On Censorship and a Free Future

     It’s funny to me that the biggest supporters of artists–Pixiv, OnlyFans, and Patreon–are also the censors of artistic expression.

     As of Dec 15th, Pixiv will prohibit anyone on their subscriber platform Fanbox from paying artists for guro, loli, beast, or incestuous art. What a change!

     Patreon has already banned these types of pornography and OnlyFans tried to ban pornography from their website until they realized their users were all pornographers, then they stopped.

What is the reason for these specific bans on art?

     The answer: Mastercard, VISA, Paypal, and other merchants do not want to process dirty transactions. And the art websites want their cut from every exchange between artists and buyers, so they implement whatever policies their money handlers tell them to do.

     The repression of offensive arts, in spite of what people may tell you, is not about vulgarity–it’s all about the money.

     Have you noticed that the historical way to deprive people of their rights is to erode their ability to exercise them? When Whites wanted the Irish and Blacks out of their neighborhoods, they didn’t institute a ban; they simply made it hard to get a loan. When they wanted to deprive them of the vote, they didn’t stop them at the polls; they created literacy tests for them to fail.
     The point is that it is dangerous to confront people and take away their voice while it is far safer to chip away at their rights from underneath. To deprive people of their income so that hungry mouths cannot speak ugly words. 

The internet is being censored through capitalism.

     Corporations limit thought by making ideas they do not like too unprofitable to create.
     How do you get published and paid when you create art outside of the limits of payment processors and online distributors?
     You don’t because it’s impossible: Economic feasibility is a gatekeeper to art.  The people in power have learned that censorship is most effective when it’s self-imposed in pursuit of the almighty dollar.
     But art is not dangerous; offensive thought is not crime.
     The way to fight against this system is to show that expression is not always about how much you can earn for what you say, but of the value intrinsic in what you put out.
     And so I have decided to forego the system altogether and make available for free all my finished art.
     Life has taught me that if you work really hard to grow and succeed at something, people will see the effort and be drawn to it. And people are inherently good and hopeful, so they will help you to succeed if you let them.
     My Patreon exists to  help my art and these ideals to flourish. We can make a better system together.
     The only thing immortal in this world are ideas; they breathe new life each time they are passed on. So onto you I pass on this art and these words so they may spread further than money can stifle them.
                                                             – ChadChan3D, Nov-27-2022
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sad but true; thank you for your works

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